Chaos ensued at veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu’s Jalpally home on Tuesday when his younger son Manoj attempted to enter the house while a video journalist covering the development was also allegedly attacked.

Manoj, who is also an actor, tried to force his way inside the house, only to be pushed out by private security personnel deployed there.

TV visuals also showed Mohan Babu trying to hit a video journalist, who was covering the development, with a microphone. The video journalist reportedly suffered injuries.

Differences in Mohan Babu’s family came out in the open on Monday after he lodged a police complaint, alleging that Manoj and his wife “orchestrated” a plan to take possession of his Jalpally home through intimidation and force.

However, Manoj told reporters on Tuesday that he was not fighting for a share in the property but self-respect. He reiterated that he sought police protection for him and his family and later met a senior police official over the issue.

In a social media post, Manoj also termed as baseless, malicious and false the allegations made against him by his father. Mohan Babu’s elder son Vishnu said family issues would be resolved. Manoj and others were earlier booked by the police based on Mohan Babu’s complaint.

Mohan Babu alleged in his complaint on Monday that Manoj and some anti-social elements hired by him caused disturbance at his residence on December 8.

One of his employees informed him on Monday that 30 individuals trespassed into the residence, threatened the staff and evicted them from the premises, he said.

These individuals, acting on the instructions of Manoj and his wife, “illegally” occupied the house, the senior Telugu actor alleged.

Mohan Babu requested the police to take action against Manoj, his wife and their associates and evict them from the house. He also requested police protection to ensure his safety and allow him to access his house without fear.

The police also registered a case on a complaint lodged by Manoj, alleging that 10 unidentified people had entered the home on December 8 before trying to flee when he noticed them.

Manoj said in his complaint lodged at Pahadishareef police station that he tried to catch them and there was a scuffle, which led to him suffering injuries, a police official said.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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