In a shocking incident, a teacher attacked a guardian with a knife at a government school in Uttar Pradesh after the latter protested against the alleged beating of his sister, a student at the school. The man managed to escape unhurt. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. Police have taken suo motu cognizance, filed a case, and arrested the teacher.
According to reports, the incident occurred at the Upper Primary School in Tikaruhua, under the Subaha police station area, on Saturday. According to the man, the teacher became enraged when he came to complain about his sister’s beating. He alleged that the teacher started abusing him and, the situation escalated when he pulled out a knife and tried to attack him. The viral video shows the man warning the teacher not to repeat such behavior, moments before the teacher resorted to violence. Bystanders intervened to save the girl student’s brother.
The police initially reported that a dispute had been resolved amicably through the intervention of the village head, with no formal complaint lodged. However, after the video surfaced online, the police registered a case under relevant sections of the law and arrested the accused teacher.
Assistant Superintendent of Police Akhilesh Narayan Singh confirmed that the police acted based on the viral video since no formal complaint was filed by the parent. Meanwhile, Basic Shiksha Adhikari (BSA) Santosh Kumar Dev Pandey has instructed the Block Education Officer to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter.