Mumbai: The online system at the city civil and sessions court in Dindoshi has been down since January 8, and the system at the main city civil and sessions court in Kalaghoda has been non-functional since January 16. This disruption has halted updates on the website and e-court app while also affecting internal systems, causing widespread chaos in daily court operations.
Advocate Ravi Jadhav, president of the Bar Association of the sessions court, said, “It is a really sorry state of affairs when it comes to online system. We are far behind due as a center like Mumbai, which has such huge litigation records, there is a need for separate server dedicated server and operation.”
Frequent issues like delayed uploads of daily case records, unavailability of orders until the next day, and server crashes are common complaints.
Criminal lawyer Munira Palanpurwala highlighted the challenges faced by legal professionals, stating, “Courts expect lawyers to check dates and roznama online, but when the system is down, nothing is accessible. This often results in missed compliance and adverse orders.”
Noted lawyer Pradeep Shetty said, “The technology in use is substandard. The system crashes frequently, and we rarely receive clear explanations for these technical failures.”
Falguni Bramhabhatt, another lawyer, added, “The lack of a reliable system creates major issues when we urgently need to download orders, check case details, or prepare for hearings.”