Aging is a natural process, but due to today’s irregular lifestyle and wrong habits, ‘premature aging’ is becoming a common problem. The effects of premature aging start appearing not only on your face but also on your body and mind. It is very important to recognize it in time and take right steps. Know here the main symptoms of premature aging and preventive measures.

Symptoms of premature aging

1. Wrinkles and fine lines on the face

  • The first signs of aging appear in the form of wrinkles and fine lines on the face.
  • If loose skin and wrinkles start appearing around the eyes at an early age, then it is a sign of premature ageing.
  • To avoid this, adopt regular skin care and healthy eating habits.

2. Slowing down of gait

  • Panting, pain in legs or slowing down of gait while walking fast can be a sign of premature aging.
  • By walking and exercising daily, you can improve your physical ability.

3. Weak memory

  • It is natural for memory to weaken with increasing age, but if at the age of 30-35 you have the problem of forgetting small things, then it is a matter of concern.
  • To improve memory, adopt meditation, yoga and nutritious diet.

4. Decline in physical ability

  • If your body feels weak at the age of 35-40, there is difficulty in lifting weight or doing normal physical work, then it is a sign of muscle weakness.
  • This problem can be prevented by regular workout and protein-rich diet.

5. Unbalanced fat accumulation in the body

  • In premature old age, the distribution of body fat becomes unbalanced.
  • The pants become tight from the waist and loose from the legs, which indicates increase in fat in the body.
  • To fix this, follow the right diet and workout.

Ways to prevent premature aging

  1. Balanced diet: Include green vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains in your diet.
  2. Stress Management: To reduce stress, take help of meditation and relaxation techniques.
  3. Active Lifestyle: Include daily exercise and physical activities in your daily routine.
  4. Skin Care Routine: To keep the skin healthy, take care of sunscreen, moisturizer and hydration.
  5. Get enough sleep: Get 7-8 hours of sleep daily so that the body gets time for rest and recovery.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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