Swati Maliwal arrested: Aam Aadmi Party Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal on Wednesday (January 30) filled 3 trains from Vikaspuri and thrown it outside the residence of former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. During this, he said, “The Delhi government has failed to provide cleanliness in the capital, so now he put garbage outside Arvind Kejriwal’s house.” However, the police took Swati Maliwal into custody.



‘The whole city has become like a garbage pile’

Swati Maliwal said, ‘The whole city has become like a garbage, I have come here to talk to Arvind Kejriwal. I will tell them to improve themselves, otherwise the public will improve them. ‘ I am not afraid of their goons or their police. ‘



AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal posted on the social media platform ‘X’ and wrote, ‘I will take 3 trucks filled with garbage and reach Kejriwal’s house. Kejriwal ji, don’t be afraid, come in front of the public and see what situation you have made in Delhi.


‘Kejriwal does not know the ground reality’

Swati Maliwal said, ‘This protest is not against any party. Today the condition of Delhi is very bad. Every corner of Delhi is dirty, roads are broken and drains are buzzing. The women of Vikaspuri complained that there are piles of garbage on the road and despite complaining to the MLA, no one is taking any step to clean it. I have come here to participate in the cleanliness campaign organized by women. We will take this garbage to Arvind Kejriwal’s house and ask him what to do with the dirty gift he has given to every area of ​​Delhi? He said that Kejriwal is no longer a common man, he does not know the reality of Delhi.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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