Bollywood actress Swara Bhasker lashed out at Pune’s FLAME University for allegedly being cruel towards dogs. On Tuesday (December 17), it was reported that the students and graduates of the university accused the administration of cruelty against dogs on the campus and also alleged that an assistant professor has been facing harassment over feeding the animals.

Taking to her official X account on Wednesday, Swara wrote, “So @FLAMEUniversity chose ‘animal cruelty’ as the hill they want to die on! Very good look for an educational institution that claims to be based on Jain values.”

She added, “You are not reading this wrong – Flame Administration stands by its cruel treatment to campus dogs. #ShameOnFlame.”

Shocking accusations against the university

According to media reports, in November 2024, an assistant professor of the institution was served a legal notice by the university and animal feed was allegedly confiscated from her office in a ‘raid’, her lawyer has claimed.

Students also alleged that dogs were ‘beaten, forcibly relocated, and terrorised’ by security staff on the orders from the management. A complaint was also lodged last year after a dog was assaulted on the campus. However, the university denied the allegations of animal harassment and told The Indian Express that they uphold the highest respect for all forms of life.

“We disagree with all claims in question. As an institution with a strong track record of gender inclusivity and campus harmony, we find these claims unfounded and completely contrary to our values,” the spokesperson of the university maintained.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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