Kangana Ranaut and her fights with Bollywood celebs have always made it to the social media. Swara Bhasker and Kangana have worked together in Tanu Wed Manu franchise, and while they played best friends in the film, in real life they were clearly not in good terms with each other. During a social media feud, Kangana had called Swara a B-Grade actress.
After Tanu Weds Manu Returns, Kangana and Swara have not worked with each other, but recently during an interview with Shubhankar Mishra, Kangana opened up about working with her Tanu Weds Manu co-star.
Kangana said, “Of course we can work together. Back then, too, her ideology was different. Woh hamesha communism aur socialism ko leke uske ideas set pe bhi chalte the (She would talk about communism and socialism on set too). I have never formed a perception about an actor or any person based on their interviews. This privilege is with leftists, not with us.”
This statement of Kangana has gone viral, and Swara has reacted to it. While Veere Di Wedding actress has not written anything on social media, she just posted funny emojis and heart emojis. It looks like Swara doesn’t want to get involved in another social media feud with Kangana, and that’s why she just reacted in this funny way.
Meanwhile, there have been reports that Tanu Weds Manu 3 is happening and Kangana in an interview had also confirmed that the scripting of the movie is going on. So, it will be interesting to see if Kangana and Swara will share the screen space in the third instalment of Tanu Weds Manu or not.
Kangana is currently enjoying the praises that she is getting for her performance in Emergency. The movie has received mixed to positive reviews, and it has done a decent business at the box office in its first weekend. In three days, the movie has collected Rs. 10.45 crore.