Bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar, who is known for her brilliant acting and outspoken statements, recently shared many important things about Kangana Ranaut in an interview. Swara, who is also known for her political views and outspoken nature, spoke openly about Kangana’s politics and personal controversies in an interview with BBC Hindi.

Told Kangana to be focused on “personal issues”

Swara Bhaskar and Kangana Ranaut worked together in the film ‘Tanu Weds Manu’, in which both their acting was highly appreciated. However, in the last few years, the war of words between the two has been a topic of discussion on social media and other forums.

Commenting on Kangana, Swara said,
“Kangana’s politics has been personal and self-centred. Be it controversies related to Bollywood, Sushant Singh Rajput’s case, or the farmers’ movement, his personal agenda is visible in everything he says.

Describing her political thinking as different from this, Swara said,
“For me, politics is a medium for collective and social change. I have never done politics keeping myself at the center.”

What did Swara say on working with Kangana?

During the interview, when Swara was asked a question about working with Kangana again, she said,
“Right now I can’t say anything about this. But if there is a role that is suitable for me, then maybe it is possible.”

Swara and Kangana’s public fight

The war of words on social media between Swara Bhaskar and Kangana Ranaut has often been in the headlines. Both have made sharp comments on each other, especially on political and social issues.

Swara’s taunt on Kangana’s political stance

Talking about Kangana, Swara said that she has always limited her politics to personal controversies. Pointing to this, Swara said that her focus is always on keeping herself at the center, whereas her goal is to promote social change and collective ideology.

Will Swara and Kangana come together in future?

Swara neither directly denied nor said yes on Swara and Kangana’s relationship and the possibility of working together in the future. However, it is clear from his statement that it all will depend on the circumstances and character.

This latest statement of Swara and Kangana has once again created an atmosphere of discussion in the industry. Fans are curious to know whether the two actresses will work together again or not.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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