salman khan News: Bollywood star Salman Khan has been receiving threats for the last few days. Now something similar has happened. According to information received from senior sources of Mumbai Police, during the shooting, a person tried to enter Salman Khan’s shooting site illegally. When the people present on the set became suspicious of the man, they removed him. At that time he asked, ‘Should I tell Bishnoi?’ Answered him. At present, the police team has brought the suspect to Shivaji Park Police Station in Mumbai for questioning. After identifying the accused, the Mumbai Police team is investigating the case. Police are also investigating whether there is a possibility of some accident behind this.

One person was arrested last month

Last month, the police had arrested a person from Karnataka for threatening Salman Khan. This person threatened to kill Salman Khan. The police was investigating the matter seriously. Police said, ‘Salman Khan and another singer were recently given death threats at the traffic control cell of Mumbai Police. When investigation was started again in this regard, everyone was shocked when the truth came out.

Demand of Rs 5 crore

Police said that the threat sent to the Traffic Control Cell of Mumbai Police was in the name of Salman Khan and the author of the song ‘Main Sikandar Hoon’ on YouTube. Apart from this, a demand of Rs 5 crore was also made. After this the police started investigation. During the investigation of the case, the police came to know that the number from which the threat was given was in the name of a person named Venkatesh Narayan.

Accused found in Karnataka

Based on this information, a team of Mumbai Police reached Karnataka in search of the accused. When Venkatesh’s phone was checked, he used a normal phone with no WhatsApp installed. After this the police noticed that an OTP had come to install WhatsApp on the phone. Venkatesh told the police, ‘One day I had gone to the market and some unknown person asked for his mobile to make a call. After this Venkatesh gave him his phone and the person activated WhatsApp on Venkatesh’s number. After this the police started further investigation and found the accused. It has also come to light that he had given this threat to Salman jokingly.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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