Surya Grahan 2025, Surya Grahan, First Solar Eclipse, Visible in Parts of India, સૂર્ય સૂર્ય 2025, સૂર્ય, સૂર્ય સૂર્ય, સૂર્ય સૂર્ય, ભારતના કેટલાક દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન દૃશ્યમાન

Surya Grahan 2025: The first solar eclipse of 2025 is going to start in just a few hours. This will be a special opportunity for sky lovers around the world. However, this eclipse will be partial, which means that a part of it will be covered with the shadow of the moon, not the whole sun.

date and time

Solar eclipse will occur on 29 March 2025, Saturday. It will start at 2:20 pm Indian time and will reach its peak at 4:17 pm. This will then conclude at 6:13 pm. At the same time, according to EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), it will start at 4:50 am, reach its peak at 6:47 am and will end at 8:43 am.

Will it come to India or not?

This time the solar eclipse will not be visible in India. However, it will appear in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, North America and parts of South America.

How to see solar eclipse?

If you are in a country where a solar eclipse will appear, it is very important to follow some safety measures to see it. Do not make the mistake of looking with naked eyes without any tool. Seeing solar eclipse without any protection can be dangerous for the eyes. This can cause damage to the retina.

Use solar energy glasses: To see the eclipse, use only glasses that are certified ISO 12312-2 for solar energy. Regular sunglasses are not safe for this purpose.

Make Pinhole Projector – Even if you do not have solar glasses, you can still see a solar eclipse by using the items available in your home. This is a simple and safe method.

What is a partial solar eclipse?

According to NASA, solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the Sun and the Earth, causing the sunlight to be partially or completely blocked. The Sun, Moon and Earth are not completely in a straight line in partial solar eclipse.

Due to this, the shadow of the moon covers only some part of the sun and the remaining part keeps shining. During the complete or conversion solar eclipse, people who are out of the full shadow of the moon are able to see only partial solar eclipse.

This time the same will happen, so it will be an interesting view for the sky -to -sky. If you are in India, even if this eclipse is not visible, you can see it through a live stream online and become part of this astronomical event.

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The post Surya Grahan 2025: At this time the first solar eclipse of the year- know what will be its timing first appeared on News India Live | Breaking India News, The Indian Headline, India Express News, Fast India News.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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