Comedian and actor Sunil Pal went missing after he travelled outside Mumbai for a show. The incident came to light when his wife, Sarita Pal, approached the Mumbai Police on Tuesday after the comedian did not return home and his phone was unreachable.

Sarita filed a missing complaint at the Santacruz police station and stated that the comedian was supposed to return home on Tuesday, but he did not. When she tried to contact him, his phone was earlier unreachable, and later, it got switched off.

The Mumbai Police has now launched an investigation.

Sunil Pal’s last post before going missing

Pal is quite active on social media, and he is often seen sharing comic videos and gags on his Instagram handle. Before he went missing, his last post on social media showed him enjoying a boat ride with some men.

In the video which he posted on Sunday, Pal can be seen recording himself while being seated in a speed boat in the middle of a vast river with some men. While he did not tell his followers if the others were his friends or acquaintances, he can be seen smiling at the camera in the video.

“NadiyaKePaar (sic),” he captioned the video. Netizens also noticed that Pal shared the same video twice on his Instagram handle within a span of few minutes.

Pal’s family and the cops are yet to issue an official statement on the comedian going missing.

Sunil Pal’s work

Pal shot to fame after participating and emerging as the winner on The Great Indian Laughter Challenge in 2005. He then went on to host The Great Indian Comedy Show, and also participated in the standup comedy shows Comedy Champions and Comedy Circus Ke SuperStars.

Besides, Pal also starred in several films in comic roles, including Hum Tum, Phir Hera Pheri, Apna Sapna Money Money, Bombay To Goa, Krazzy 4 and Kick, to name a few.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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