Popular stand-up comedian and actor Sunil Pal shocked everyone after he went missing. On Tuesday, his wife, Sarita, filed a missing complaint in Mumbai and hours later, on Wednesday, she revealed that the comedian returned home safely. Now, a video of Sunil has surfaced in which he claims he was ‘kidnapped’ in Delhi.

A video has surfaced on X (formerly known as Twitter) which shows Sunil addressing his fans. He said, “I was kidnapped on December 2 but now I have returned home safely. I have given my statement to the police. I will share more details once the police procedures are complete.”

He also thanked fans for their love and urged them to keep praying for him. Further sharing details about his kidnapping, he said, “Kidnapping Delhi se hui thi…Delhi ke border… Meerut ki taraf se. Baaki baatein main aage batate rahunga.”

Earlier today (December 2), Sunil’s wife informed ETimes, “Sunil ji is back home, Sunil ji gave his statement about kidnappers to police after coming. Police is helping and supporting us, everything is fine with him, rest of the matter we will soon open up to our well-wishers once police allow us after complete statement procedure and FIR.”

While filing a missing complaint with the Mumbai police on December 3, Sarita had stated that the comedian was ‘very disturbed’. Sarita said her husband had travelled outside Mumbai for a show and was supposed to return on Tuesday, but he did not.

She also stated that when she tried to reach him on call, his phone was unreachable, and later, it got switched off.

Reportedly, a friend of the comedian said that he was in a “problem”. However, he did not reveal what the ‘problem’ was.

Sunil gained popularity and became a household name after he participated in The Great Indian Laughter Challenge in 2005. He was declared the winner of the show. Later, he also hosted The Great Indian Comedy Show, and participated in comedy reality shows like Comedy Champions, and Comedy Circus Ke SuperStars.

Besides standup, Sunil also worked in films like Hum Tum, Phir Hera Pheri, Apna Sapna Money Money, Bombay To Goa, Krazzy 4 and Kick.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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