According to Vedic astrology, on Friday, March 14, the king of the planets, Sun and Venus, the god of wealth, will be seated in the zodiac of Jupiter, due to which positive effects can be seen on some zodiac signs. Holi is on 14 March and on this day the King of the planets is going to change its zodiac sign. According to Drik Panchang, the Sun will enter Pisces on Friday, March 14 at 6:58 pm. Venus will already be present in this zodiac, due to which the Sun-Venus can occur. Apart from this, Venus Aditya Yoga will also be made.


The fate of 3 zodiac signs will shine on the day of Holi

The formation of Surya-Venus and Venus Aditya Yoga can lead to positive changes in the lives of people of 3 zodiac signs. Due to the stay of Saturn in Pisces, good days can start for the natives of this zodiac. Let’s know which 3 zodiac signs can shine from it?


The Sun will be beneficial for the people of Taurus zodiac with transit in the zodiac sign of Jupiter and then Venus. You will see positive changes in life. Your confidence will increase and you will be able to fulfill whatever work you decide to do. You will be able to participate in religious activities and experience a different kind of peace in the mind.


Time will be good for Leo zodiac signs. The combination of Sun and Venus will be beneficial. The mind will be more happy than before. We will try to find answers to many questions and will be successful in it. Wealth is likely to increase. You can plan to invest somewhere. Time will be good for employed people. There may be talk of promotion. A businessman can earn money.


Time will be good for Pisces people. It will be beneficial for you to stay away from debate. Both Sun and Venus will remain in this zodiac and both planets will be beneficial. You can get new opportunities for progress. Interest in social activities may increase. You can plan to go out with family members.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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