Srimad Bhagavad Gita, one of the sacred scriptures of Hinduism, has been clearing the mental confusion of people through its spiritual wisdom for centuries. This text is a collection of sermons given by Lord Krishna to Arjun before the beginning of the Mahabharata war. Geeta has 18 chapters and 700 verses, which help in increasing the self-confidence of a person and motivate him to move towards his goal while performing his duties. If you are also in some confusion in life and are deviating from your goal, then these 5 teachings of Geeta can bring back your confidence and pave the way for success.

  1. control your mind,
    The main basis of success and failure is a person’s mind. The person who controls his mind, no one can stop him from achieving success.
  2. practice consistently,
    According to Geeta, one should concentrate on one’s karma without desiring results to achieve success. Constant practice increases self-confidence and keeps a person’s mind calm, so that he can concentrate on his goal.
  3. evaluate your work,
    It is also mentioned in Geeta that a person should keep evaluating his work. With this you can identify your shortcomings and by improving them you can move towards success.
  4. focus on goal,
    Lord Krishna reminded Arjuna to concentrate on his duty. Similarly, we should also remain dedicated towards our goals and remain focused while facing challenges, so that we can overcome the obstacles.
  5. maintain moral values,
    The war of Mahabharata depicts the conflict between morality and duty in the mind of Arjuna. We have to face such dilemmas even in ordinary life. In such a situation, we should remain firm on our moral values ​​and choose the right path, which lays the foundation of honesty and self-respect.

By adopting these teachings, you can not only increase your self-confidence but can also move towards success.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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