The holy Maha Kumbh Mela is all set to take place in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, starting from January 13 to February 26, 2025. Celebrated every 12 years, this event marks a divine event in Hindu mythology—the Samudra Manthan, or churning of the ocean, where gods and demons battled for twelve divine days, equivalent to 12 human years. This spiritual gathering draws millions of devotees to the junction of the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers.

In anticipation of the 2025 Maha Kumbh Mela, the Uttar Pradesh Police are implementing significant measures to ensure a serene and spiritually enriching experience for the devotees. Spearheaded by Senior Superintendent of Police (Kumbh) Rajesh Dwivedi, the preparations aim to create an atmosphere of respect. Police officers are being reimagined as “servants of faith,” dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of the attendees.

No alochol and non-vegetarian food allowed

A strict ban on alcohol and non-vegetarian food is being implemented during the festival. This policy is not limited to the general public but extends to the police personnel managing the event. All meals prepared in police mess facilities will be vegetarian, emphasising the festival’s spiritual sanctity.

Police management

According to the media reports, 40,000 police personnel are undergoing extensive training programs to ensure seamless management of the mela. Further, around 1,500 officers have already completed intensive modules focused on cultural sensitivity, etiquette, and public service.

The training, initially designed as a 21-day program and later condensed to 14 days, aims to transform officers into representatives of hospitality and faith. External trainers are teaching advanced skills to prepare the officers for their interactions with the millions of pilgrims. Atul Kumar Singh, director of the training program, highlighted the importance of creating a welcoming environment that reflects dignity and compassion.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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