A shocking video has surfaced online showing a four-year-old child being brutally attacked by two stray dogs. In the video, the dogs can be seen biting and dragging the girl as she screams for help.

The incident reportedly took place near Golden Heights Colony in Hyderabad’s Rajendranagar on Friday (January 31).

According to the CCTV footage, the incident occurred around 7 a.m. Luckily, the girl’s mother, after hearing the screams, immediately came to the child’s rescue.

According to reports, the girl suffered serious injuries to her legs, waist, and thighs. The victim was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.

After the incident, locals blamed the municipal authority for negligence. According to reports, after multiple occurrences of such incidents and multiple complaints filed regarding this, authorities are not paying heed to the issue.

The viral video of the incident has stirred outrage on social media with users criticizing the GHMC.

“Street dogs have become uncontrollable. In every lane, there are gangs of at least 10 dogs, and they bite anyone new who enters the lane. Delivery boys especially face a lot of problems. The dogs become very aggressive, particularly at night. GHMC officials remain silent as dog lovers won’t agree [to control measures],” commented one user.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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