Ghaziabad: In a shocking incident, a bull was rescued by the police and other authorities after it fell into a well in Ghaziabad. The rescue operation of the innocent animal was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the officials rescue the bull from the well after a long struggle.
The police don’t just catch criminals, they also work day and night to help people and even animals. On a cold winter night, while most of us were resting in our homes, the Modinagar Fire Unit and Masuri Police Station were busy rescuing a bull that had fallen into a well.
How It Happened
There are reports that the incident occurred on Tuesday (January 7) night at around 8 PM. The Modinagar fire station received a call about a bull trapped in a well in Nurpur village, located in the Masuri Police Station area. Acting quickly, a fire unit was sent to the spot.
When the team arrived, they found the bull stuck in a deep well. The rescue operation began immediately, and with the help of a hydra crane and support from Masuri police, the bull was safely brought out of the well.
The video of the heavy and huge bull being carried out of the well with the help of the crane is being widely shared on social media. The authorities are being praised for their efforts to rescue the animal.
Villagers Helped in the Rescue
As per reports, many villagers gathered at the site and provided assistance to the team during the rescue operation. Once the bull was rescued, the villagers praised the efforts of the fire and police teams for their dedication and quick action.
This incident is just one example of how the police and other emergency services go beyond their usual duties to help both people and animals in need.