Some pictures and videos of BJP leaders and officials have been revealed from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, which remain the center of discussion at this time. It can be seen in these pictures that a ward of Medanta Hospital has become a mini office of BJP.
Meeting held in hospital, ward becomes BJP office
BJP’s banners are installed in a ward of Medanta Hospital, and District President Anil Dixit of BJP’s North Unit Anil Dixit is sitting on the bed. Many BJP leaders and officials are also present around him, who have come to participate in the meeting, not to take care of a patient.
The BJP’s banner was put up in the ward, due to which the whole atmosphere started to look like the party office.
Other patients and their timbers suffered a lot, but no one paid attention to it.
The hospital rule for common patients is that only two timeds can be with a patient, but this rule did not come into force for BJP leaders.
District president fell from the stairs of the house, held a meeting in the hospital itself
In fact, a few days ago, Anil Dixit fell from the stairs of the house, causing fracture in his hips and legs. He was then admitted to Medanta Hospital for treatment.
Meanwhile, the BJP high command directed to organize various programs by April 14 on the completion of 8 years of Yogi government.
If the district president wanted, he could have called a meeting in the BJP office, or could entrust the responsibility to someone else.
But he changed the ward of the hospital into the BJP office and sat there and started deciding the plans of the organization.