Whether the relationship is of husband and wife, lover-girlfriend or only friendship, every relationship has to go through many stages. There are many ups and downs in these stops, but the relationship that crosses every difficulty and moves forward, becomes the identity of true love.
When it comes to a romantic relationship, every couple wants their relationship to be strong, reliable and lasting life. But this is not a Bollywood film, where love falls at first sight and always a happy life. In real life, every relationship goes through different stages and matures over time.
So let’s know what are the stops in a loving relationship, and in which phase your relationship is currently.
1. First Stage: Attraction (attraction)
Every relationship begins with attraction.
Often people call it “love of first sight”, but in reality it is not just love, but only attraction.
This attraction can be caused by someone’s beauty, style, voice or a particular habit.
In this stage, hormones work fast, due to which the heart starts thinking about the same person again and again.
Many people understand this stage as love, but in reality it is just an early twist.
2. Second Stage: Honeymoon Phase (Round of everything perfect)
Honeymoon phase is a period of love where the world looks very beautiful.
You talk on the phone for hours, exchange small gifts and cannot live without each other.
Every little thing seems special, and it seems that only your relationship is the best relationship in the world.
In this phase, hormones still dominate, and everything seems perfect.
But this phase does not last long, because the real relationship test is ahead.
3. Third Stage: Emotional Bonding (A round of emotional engagement)
In this phase, the relationship starts to rise above physical attraction and turn into deep emotional engagement.
Now you start understanding your partner’s likes, dislikes, habits and behavior.
You take care of each other’s grief and happiness and start making future plans.
At this stage, serious decisions are taken about the partner, such as should this relationship go to marriage?
This is a very important stage, because it decides whether the relationship will move forward or not.
4. Fourth Stage: Make or Brake
This is the most difficult phase of the relationship.
In this period, small things seem big.
Battle can increase and there is a real test of harmony.
This is the stage where the relationships either become stronger or break.
The couple who cross this phase with patience and understanding, their relationship gets deeper.