There has been a lot of ups and downs in the stock market in the last few weeks. Even on Thursday morning, Sensex and Nifty were moving towards a big decline. But by 11 am, the fortunes of the stock market had changed so much that by 2:30 pm the Sensex had risen by more than 1,850 points from the day’s low. This means that stock market investors earned Rs 9.45 lakh crore in 215 minutes.
Why the boom in the stock market?
The main reason for the rise in the stock market is considered to be the rise in shares. Shares of TCS and Infosys rose more than 2.50 percent. So let us know how the stock market turned around in 215 minutes and how Rs 9.45 lakh crore came into the hands of investors?
Bumper boom in stock market
After about 105 minutes of trading session on Thursday, a bumper rise was seen in the stock market. Around 11 am, the Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex was trading 488.96 points down at 80,467.37. On the other hand, the National Stock Exchange’s flagship Nifty also saw a decline of 171.9 points during the same period.
After this, tremendous growth was seen in both the exchanges. After 215 minutes, the Sensex rose 1,850.37 points from the day’s low and the benchmark hit the day’s high of 82,317.74. Meanwhile, Nifty rose 562.2 points from the day’s low to hit the day’s high of 24,857.75.
Investors will get Rs. Profit of Rs 9.45 lakh crore?
Stock market investors benefited a lot from this boom in the stock market. While Sensex was at the day’s low, BSE’s market cap was at Rs. 4,51,12,574.18 crore. After 215 minutes, Sensex hit the day’s highest along with BSE Market Cap. 4,60,57,441.61 crore. This means investors will get Rs. Profit of Rs 9,44,867.43 crore.
The stock market closed with a rise
After the closing of the stock market, the Sensex saw a jump of more than 800 points and it closed at 81,765.86 points. While the Sensex opened at 81,182.74 points. Whereas the National Stock Exchange benchmark Nifty 50 closed at 24,708.40 points with a gain of 240.95 points. In the morning Nifty opened at 24,539.15 points.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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