Pongal, the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu, is celebrated with joy and tradition. This year, the auspicious Tamil festival will be observed from Tuesday, January 14, and will continue until Friday, January 17. Making kolams is an integral part of this festive season. Kolams, intricate patterns drawn with rice flour, signify prosperity and invite positive energy into homes.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a simple Pongal kolam with dots that even beginners can follow.

Materials needed:

White rice flour or kolam powder

Coloured kolam powder (optional)

A clean and flat surface

Step 1: Prepare the surface

Clean the area where you plan to draw the kolam. A flat and smooth surface, like the entrance of your home, works best. Sprinkle a little water to settle the dust.

Step 2: Create the dot grid

Start by marking dots in a grid-like pattern. For a simple kolam, use a 5×5 dot grid:

Draw five dots in a straight line.

In the next row, draw four dots, aligning them in the centre of the first row. Continue reducing the number of dots row by row (5-4-3-2-1).

Step 3: Connect the dots

Using the rice flour, connect the dots to form geometric or floral patterns. For beginners, try a simple flower design:

Start from the centre and connect dots to form petals.

Use curves and lines to enhance the design.

Step 4: Add details and colour

Add small designs like circles, lines, or spirals. If desired, use coloured kolam powder to highlight specific parts of the design.

Step 5: Final touch

Sprinkle a little water over the design to set it, especially if it’s windy.

Follow the below video guide:

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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