Mumbai: The Maharashtra government on Friday announced the launch of the “Reading Resolution of Maharashtra,” a new initiative set to begin from January 1, 2025, aimed at promoting a culture of reading among students. The programme, which will run annually from January 1 to January 15, seeks to encourage young people to reconnect with the habit of reading.
Under this initiative, universities, colleges, and public libraries will organise a series of events designed to engage students in collective reading and improve their social awareness through literature. On January 1, 2025, the programme will kick off with a “Collective Reading” event, where students and library members will gather in university auditoriums, college courtyards, and public library spaces to read books of their choice. The event will be widely publicised, with photographs shared on institutional websites and local newspapers, to raise awareness and encourage greater participation.
In addition to the collective reading sessions, universities and colleges will host “Reading Skills Workshops” aimed at helping students develop a consistent reading habit. These workshops will provide guidance on how to select books and read them effectively. To further enrich the programme, “Reading Dialogues” will be organised, inviting local authors to engage in discussions with students and introduce them to new literature.
A major feature of the initiative is the “Book Review and Narration Competition”, which will be held at the college level. All students will be encouraged to select a book outside of their regular curriculum, write a 500-word review, or narrate a five-minute reflection on it. The best entries will be awarded certificates and prizes, with the winning review published in the college’s annual magazine.
The initiative will be supported by a structured committee system at various levels to oversee its implementation. A State Level Committee will be led by the Director of Higher Education and the Director of Libraries, with local authorities managing the programme at the divisional, district, and college levels. Additionally, public libraries and colleges are encouraged to organise book exhibitions during the “Reading Fortnight” and to register students for library memberships.
Furthermore, the state government has urged universities, colleges, and libraries to implement innovative measures alongside the outlined activities, aiming to revitalise the reading culture and encourage students to develop lifelong reading habits.