The deadlock between India and Pakistan over the ICC Champions Trophy continues to remain stranded after, the International Cricket Council (ICC) Board meeting, which was supposed to take place on Thursday in Dubai, was postponed again. The meeting is now scheduled to take place on December 7th.
India has been against visiting the neighbours for the tournament, while the Pakistan Cricket Board remain adamant about hosting the event at home. According to Times of India report, the last virtual meeting of the Board lasted less than 20 minutes and there has been no substantial progress on the Champions Trophy matter
Earlier reports had emerged that the PCB is advocating for a long-term agreement that would extend beyond the 2025 Champions Trophy. This would guarantee that Pakistan has the option to play its matches outside India during ICC events.
However, BCCI has sent a clear message to the ICC brass stating that there is no security threat in India and hence no question of accepting such an arrangement
Jay Shah visited the ICC Headquarters
Jay Shah visited the ICC Headquarters in Dubai for the first time in his role as ICC Chair on December 5th, where he met with the ICC Board Directors and staff. Shah described his visit as “productive and inspiring”, and acknowledged the long road ahead.
He said, “While I am encouraged by what I have seen, I recognize that this is just the beginning. The hard work to elevate cricket to unprecedented heights starts now, and I am confident that together, we will deliver on this vision.” Shah succeeded Greg Barclay, who had held the post of ICC Chair since 2020.