After the Russian wife of YouTuber Mithilesh Backpacker was harassed in Udaipur, stand-up comedian Harsh Gujral is facing a backlash on X from several users claiming he first coined the “₹6000 mein Russian aa jaati hai” remark in one of his performances. Netizens shared videos of the comedian saying, “Jo sabse sharabi dost hota hai vo aage aa jata hai kehne baiya 6 hajar me to Russian aa jaati hai (The most drunked friend comes forward to say that a Russian is available in Rs. 6,000). ”

Taking to X, a netizen wrote, “Bast**ds like Harsh Gujral are just ruining our reputation.. These mor**s should never be allowed to speak in public”. Another added by saying, “This is a case of single source multiple exposure. If you want to control it then you have to clear that source first. And the source is harsh gujral”.

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While exploring Udaipur’s City Palace, Mithilesh was recording a video of his wife when an off-camera voice remarked “6,000 INR.” Though it may seem harmless at first, the phrase has acquired a derogatory meaning, often associated with sexually inappropriate jokes about Russian women, popularised by some comedians.

The remark angered Mithilesh, who immediately confronted the man. “6,000 INR kisko bolta, merko samajhta nahi kya? (Don’t I understand whom you are saying 6,000 to?)” he demanded, further adding, “Kisko bola? Meri wife Russian hai toh tu ulta seedha comment dega? (My wife is Russian, so you’ll make such comments?)”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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