A horrific stampede broke out at the Lord Venkateshwara Swamy temple, also known as Tirumala-Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), in Andhra Pradesh’s Tirupati district on Wednesday night. Six devotees died in this accident, while many others were injured. The stampede occurred when hundreds of devotees were trying to get tickets for Baikuntha Dwara Darshanam on the occasion of Baikuntha Ekadashi, resulting in a scuffle.

Importance of Baikunth Ekadashi

In Hindu religion, the festival of Baikuntha Ekadashi is celebrated on the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Paush month. It is considered an opportunity to attain heaven and go to Vaikuntha Dham. On this day devotees worship Lord Vishnu, who is revered as Venkateswara in the Tirupati temple. On this occasion lakhs of devotees gather to visit Tirupati temple.

Major events of Tirupati temple

Tirupati temple historically hosts two major events: Baikuntha Darshan and Brahmotsavam. Vaikuntha Darshan has been expanded from a one-day festival to a two-day and then a 10-day event. During this festival, the North Dwaram of the sanctum sanctorum of Lord Venkateswara is opened for the devotees, giving them the opportunity to circumambulate around the sanctum.

Preparation and journey of devotees

Devotees start preparations 41 days in advance to participate in the Vaikuntha festival, wearing Govinda Mala, wearing yellow clothes and walking barefoot as a symbol of devotion. Many devotees travel thousands of kilometers on foot to reach Tirumala.

Description in Puranas

According to the Puranas, Lord Vishnu holds a meeting with his disciples in Vaikuntha Loka during these ten days, and devotees are allowed to attend his gathering. This divine meeting is symbolically visible on earth. TTD administration believes that by visiting during these ten days, devotees attain salvation.

Lakhs of devotees are expected to participate in this special festival of Baikunth Ekadashi, while the recent stampede incident has further increased the security requirements.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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