Korean actor Park Sung Hoon, who is making waves with his phenomenal performance in the K-Drama, Squid Game 2, found himself at the receiving end of severe backlash after he posted the cover of a pornographic video on his social media. He deleted the post within no time, and later issued an apology, stating that it was shared “accidentally”.

On December 30, Park took to his Instagram stories to share an NSFW poster of a video which was a pornographic parody of his show, Squid Game 2. However, he deleted the post within minutes, but it was not missed by netizens, who took to social media to criticise the actor.

Park’s Instagram posts were flooded with comments slamming the actor and his “disgusting” post, and some even stated that it was insensitive of him to share it on social media amid national mourning in South Korea for the tragic Jeju Air flight crash that killed 179 people.

Soon after, Park’s agency, BH Entertainment, issued an official statement apologising for the post. “Park Sung Hoon received an overwhelming number of direct messages (DMs) on his social media. While checking the DMs, he accidentally uploaded the image. The actor himself was deeply shocked and feels extremely sorry for making such a mistake, especially in these circumstances. He will be more careful in the future to ensure this does not happen again,” the statement read.

Meanwhile, Park is being lauded for his performance in Squid Games 2. After playing evil and villainous roles in shows like The Glory and Queen Of Tears, the actor stunned his fans by essaying a transgender character on screen in Squid Game 2.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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