Chitrakoot, 03 December (HS). A celebration program was organized on Tuesday on the occasion of World Disabled Day at Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Divyang State University. It was inaugurated by lifelong Chancellor Jagadguru Swami Rambhadracharya Maharaj by garlanding the picture of Goddess Saraswati and lighting the lamp.

In the program, Jagadguru Rambhadracharya said in the World Disabled Day celebrations that he was the first in the entire world to establish Asia’s first university for disabled students on 26 July 2006. He had taken this resolution to include disabled students in the main stream of the society. Said that all the disabled people should get higher education and create their own identity in various fields of the society. With this university becoming a state university, all the students will soon get higher educational activities.

He directed the Vice Chancellor to conduct all the modern courses which are not being conducted in the university as soon as possible. Along with this, good education and values ​​should also be given to the students coming under this. Vice Chancellor Prof. Shishir Kumar Pandey, Awadhesh Pratap Singh, Vice Chancellor of Rewa University Prof. Rajkumar also expressed their views in the program. The program was conducted by Dr. Gopal Mishra. On this occasion, all the Registrar of the University, Madhurendra Kumar Parvat, professors, staff and students etc. were present. After this, Chancellor Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Maharaj also inaugurated the Anand Mela organized by the National Service Scheme.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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