Mumbai: The special court on Thursday allowed former Maharashtra minister and NCP leader Nawab Malik’s plea to travel to Nagpur to attend several party meetings being held between December 15 and 20.

Malik is presently out on interim bail on the ground of his deteriorated health. He was granted interim bail by the Supreme Court on medical grounds. However, as part of his bail conditions, he has been restrained from traveling outside the city without the permission of the court. Hence, Malik had moved the court.

The special judge for MPs/MLAs, AU Kadam, accepting Malik’s plea permitted him to visit Nagpur and asked the former state minister to deposit Rs 50,000 as security amount before leaving the city.

Malik, though had lost in the Maharashtra Assembly election from the Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar seat, his daughter Sana Malik won from Anushakti Nagar.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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