Former Indian captain Sourav Ganguly’s daughter Sana escaped unhurt after being reportedly involved in an accident in Kolkata’s Diamond Harbour Road in Behala Chowrasta area on Friday evening. According to media reports, a bus hit her car, which was being driven by her driver. Fortunately, Sana didn’t have any injuries from the mishap.
As per reports, Sana’s driver had chased the bus but it sped away after the mishap. With the vehicle stopped near Sakher Bazar, Sana informed the police and the officials reached the location to nab him.
As per the sources, reported by India Today, Ganguly’s daughter’s car had sustained no significant damage following the collision. However, no complaint has been lodged thus far, according to reports.
Sourav Ganguly’s cricketing career
As far as Sourav Ganguly’s cricketing career goes, he is arguably one of the best captains produced by India, having captained the nation to some famous wins like the 2001 Border-Gavaskar Trophy series victory and the Natwest Series in 2002 in England.
In the aspect of captaincy, the retired cricketer is the third-most successful for India in Tests with 21 wins in 40 matches in the format. The 52-year-old starred in 113 Tests and 312 ODIs from 1996-2008. After retiring from the sport, he served as the BCCI President.