Sourav Ganguly is celebrating his 50th birthday today. He tweeted a video a day before his birthday, after seeing and reading its caption, many speculations are being made. Friday 7th July was a very special day for Indian cricket fans. Because today was the birthday of former captain and great wicket-keeper batsman Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Now on Saturday i.e. today, July 8 is the birthday of another former captain and veteran batsman Sourav Ganguly. His fans are also very excited about Ganguly’s birthday and Ganguly has tweeted a special video for his fans on the eve of his birthday. However, he has made a mistake in this video, which cannot be trusted.



Former Indian captain Ganguly posted a video on his social media account on Friday, July 7, a few hours before his birthday. There are many memories of Ganguly’s cricket career in this video. There were many memorable pictures related to his batting, bowling, captaincy, which was enough to take the fans back to the old days.



Ganguly could not recognize himself

Ganguly’s fans have loved the video and reacted to it in their own way. But perhaps no one could catch Ganguly’s mistake in this video. Such a mistake will surprise anyone. But Ganguly’s former teammate and Team India all-rounder Irfan Pathan caught this mistake. Ganguly’s fault is that he could not reveal his identity at one place in this video. In this video, he has used a picture which is not his. Irfan Pathan caught his mistake as the wrong picture was actually of Pathan. Pathan jokingly replied to Ganguly’s tweet and wrote that he did not know that the two looked so alike while batting that Ganguly got confused.



This video has created p.c

This video is not only going viral, but what Ganguly has written with this video has attracted everyone’s attention. Posting the video, Ganguly captioned, “Support and love is what drives us forward.” It’s been a few hours now, everyone is trying to interpret this caption and this video in different ways and try to understand it in their own way. Some people are speculating that Ganguly is going to make an announcement related to cricket soon, while some believe that Ganguly will not announce his entry into politics.

What will be the announcement of the biopic?

Some people even believe that Ganguly may announce his biopic on his birthday. Ganguly had announced this biopic last year itself, but since then there has been no concrete news on it. There is also speculation that this is not an endorsement of any product, as Ganguly had recently tweeted something similar.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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