Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, who is gearing up for the release of Fateh with Jacqueline Fernandez, has announced that he will donate the entire profit of the film to charity. The actor also surprised his fans by announcing that the tickets for the film will be available for Rs 99 only on the first day of its release, which is Friday (January 10).
Taking to his official Instagram account on Wednesday, Sonu shared a video in which he is heard saying, “2020 mein jab COVID-19 shuru hua, hazarron laakhon log jo mujh tak pahuchna chahte the, unke sath cyber fraud hua. Paise nikale gaye unke bank se. Main ye soch raha tha ki ye jo kahaani aap logon ke liye banayi hai, vo zyada se zyada logon tak kaise pahuche? (In 2020, when COVID-19 started, thousands of people who wanted to reach out to me became victims of cyber fraud. Money was withdrawn from their banks. I was thinking about how to make the story I have created reach as many people as possible).”
The actor, who has also directed Fateh, added, “10 January ko film release ho rahi hai toh aap ke liye aur pure desh ke liye pehle din Fateh ka ticket price rahega Rs 99. (On January 10, when the film releases, the ticket price for the first day’s screening will be Rs 99 for you and for the entire country).”
Take a look at his video here:
Directed by Sonu Sood, Fateh is a gripping tale of an ex-special ops officer unraveling a cybercrime conspiracy. Alongside Sonu Sood, the film also includes a stellar cast of Jacqueline Fernandez, Vijay Raaz, and Naseeruddin Shah, each bringing gravitas to the mix.
Produced by Sonali Sood of Shakti Sagar Productions, and Umesh KR Bansal of Zee Studios and co-produced by Ajay Dhama, Fateh—a gripping action tale of courage, resilience, and the fight against cybercrime—is slated to release on January 10, 2025.