Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, who is gearing up for the release of his action-thriller film Fateh, revealed that he is not on talking terms with actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut. For the unawares, their feud dates back to 2019 during the release of the film Manikarnika: The Queen Of Jhansi. Now, in one of his latest interviews, Sonu stated that they have not spoken to each other after Manikarnika.
During an interaction with Shubhankar Mishra, Sonu opened up about her current aquation with Kangana.
He said, “I left Manikarnika also because Kangana is my friend. We are not on talking terms right now, but I have been very close with her family – her mother, father and sister meet me very lovingly. I have a rule in life that if I have ever been close to someone or friends with them, more or less, if I have a problem, I will never speak against them.”
The actor also mentioned that their mutual friend Ajay tried to make them meet a couple of times but they didn’t.
“People can say whatever they want, but I will never say anything against them. I might feel upset thinking, ‘This person was a good friend and said such things’. I feel that it’s her foolishness, she is not a bad person. But sometimes, when you write or say things, you don’t actually think it through. I might have also gone through this and done things out of being naive. However, there is no regret. It’s her own thinking, I prefer not to pay heed by answering,” Sonu added.
Kangana and Sonu’s feud
The feud between Kangana and Sonu dates back to the making of the 2019 film Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi. Sonu was initially cast as Sadashivrao Bhau, but he left the project mid-way, citing creative differences with Kangana, who was the lead actor and later took over as the film’s director.
Sonu reportedly exited the film because Kangana took over directorial duties after the original director, Krish Jagalamudi, left the project. At that time, Kangana had claimed Sonu left because he did not want to work under a female director. She suggested his ego was the issue, which Sonu denied, calling the statement baseless and untrue.
On the other hand, Sonu had clarified that his decision was purely professional, and that he had no problem working with a female director. He pointed out that he had worked with Farah Khan in the past and deeply respected women in the industry. Sonu had also cited scheduling conflicts due to his commitments to other films.