Three days after the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai, his sons Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan visited him at the hospital on Sunday. The kids were seen arriving at the hospital with their mother, Kareena Kapoor Khan, on Sunday morning.

Saif is currently undergoing treatment at the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. Bebo, who has been spending most of her time at the hospital by her husband’s side, took their sons along with her on Sunday to make them see their father. Taimur (8) and Jeh (4) were later spotted leaving the hospital amid tight security while Bebo stayed back.

Reportedly, it was Taimur who took Saif to the hospital along with a staff member after the actor was stabbed by the intruder at around 2:30 am inside his house located in Bandra, Mumbai, on January 16. The attacker entered the house in a bid to rob the actor, and when he was caught, he stabbed Saif before fleeing the scene, leaving him bleeding with six injuries.

The attacker reportedly entered the house from Jeh’s room, and demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore after holding him and his nanny hostage.

The doctors treating Saif at Lilavati Hospital said that the actor was drenched in blood when he reached the hospital. “He walked in like a lion with only his small child, Taimur. He is a real hero,” Dr Uttamani told ANI.

Meanwhile, the attacker was arrested by the Mumbai Police in the wee hours of Sunday from Thane. He is reportedly a Bangladeshi national, who had been residing in Mumbai illegally for the past few months, and he broke into the Khan residence with an intention of burglary.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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