Sonia Gandhi, a prominent figure in Indian politics, is a member of the Rajya Sabha. She has served as the longest-serving Congress President from 1998 to 2017 and from 2019 to 2022. She will turn 78 on Monday, December 9. On the occasion of her special day, take a look at some of the lesser-known facts about Congress former President:
Sonia Gandhi was born as Edvige Antonia Albina Maino on December 9, 1946, in Lusiana, Veneto, Italy. She worked as a waitress in a Greek restaurant while studying English in Cambridge, England, where she met Rajiv Gandhi, who later became her husband.
Sonia Gandhi is very fond of reading and writing. She has written a book titled ‘Two Alone, Two Together’. She is influenced by Munshi Premchand, and Godan is one of her favourite books by him.
The former Congress President, Sonia Gandhi, can speak in nine languages, including German and French. She learnt Hindi after she married Rajiv Gandhi.
Despite marrying into India’s most politically prominent family, Sonia was initially reluctant to engage in politics, and after the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in 1991, she declined to assume any political role for several years.
Sonia Gandhi has a deep interest in art and culture. She is known for her extensive library at her residence and is a keen reader. She has also worked on preserving Indira Gandhi’s and Rajiv Gandhi’s personal archives.
Sonia Gandhi is likewise an excellent cook. She is quite passionate about cooking and frequently reads numerous cookbooks. Despite being a good cook, she avoids eating junk food and performs yoga daily.
Sonia Gandhi was often spotted on a two-wheeler traversing the streets of Delhi alongside Rajiv Gandhi. She frequently visited India Gate with her husband to enjoy ice cream.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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