Somi Ali has once again made serious allegations against Salman Khan. She has claimed many times that Salman Khan abused and physically abused her. Now an old video of hers is going viral, in which she told that Salman had deployed a maid in her apartment to keep an eye on her activities. This maid had once tried to save Somi from Salman’s attack.

Salman had sent a spy maid

In the video going viral, Somi Ali told that Salman Khan had sent a maid named Najma to his Vindhyachal apartment to keep an eye on his activities.

“He told me that Salman had sent him to stay with me so that he could keep an eye on my daily routine. When I came to know about this, I said, ‘Were you sent to me as a spy?'”

This maid had also worked with Salman Khan’s parents Salma and Salim Khan.

Maid saved during the attack

Somi Ali narrated a horrific incident in the video, when Salman physically hurt her.

“One day Salman beat me badly. My neck had turned completely blue and black. He was slapping my neck with his hands. At that time, Najma said while banging the door, ‘Brother, you kill me, but leave this girl.'”

Cold drink poured on head in restaurant

Even before this, Somi Ali has made many allegations of misbehavior against Salman Khan. Sharing an anecdote, he said that once Salman insulted him in public.

“He poured a cold drink bottle on my head in the restaurant.”

Sangeeta Bijlani had caught Salman and Somi together

Somi told that when she was with Salman, his ex-girlfriend Sangeeta Bijlani caught her red handed.

“Salman was dating Sangeeta earlier. But when Sangeeta saw us together, she broke her decision to marry Salman.”

Somi Ali’s pain

Somi Ali has described her relationship with Salman Khan as a terrible experience. She has often been mentioning these incidents in her interviews and on social media. She says that she is still trying to recover from this painful past.

No response from Salman Khan

Despite these allegations, no official statement has come yet from Salman Khan or his family. Salman often gets embroiled in controversies, but this case has sparked a new debate among his fans and critics.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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