Mumbai: It has been learned that some new scenes will be added in the OTT version of the superhit film ‘Pushpa Two’. The shooting of this scene had already been done. However, when the final copy was prepared for theatrical release, some scenes were removed due to the film’s increased length. Now this scene will be added to the OTT version.

However, no official announcement has been made by the film team in this regard. But, according to sources close to the film, the film has done a business of Rs 1500 crore worldwide and more than Rs 750 crore in India alone. Most of the film lovers have seen this film. But, even on OTT, some scenes are being added to make most people watch the film again. A film on OTT is likely to run 20 to 25 minutes longer than a theatrical release. Even after three weeks of release, the film is performing well in many theatres.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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