Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked on the night of 16 January. Late night on January 16, a thief entered Saif Ali Khan’s house with the intention of stealing, but when Saif tried to stop him, the thief attacked Saif and injured him, after which the actor was admitted to the hospital. . Now Saif’s sister Soha has shared her brother’s health update.


Soha Ali gave health update

Recently Soha Ali Khan was seen at an award function. Meanwhile, Soha was asked about her brother’s health update. When Soha was asked at the event about her brother’s health update, Soha said, ‘We are happy that he is recovering.’ We are very grateful that Saif is fine.

Users commented

Users have also made many comments on this video of Soha. A user commented on this video that Saif should get well soon. Another user prayed for him. The third user prayed for Saif’s speedy recovery. Apart from this, some users have also shared heart emoji.



presented in court

The police is rapidly investigating the attack on Saif Ali Khan. The police have arrested an accused in this case and presented him in the court. The court has sent the accused on police remand for five days. Not only this, the police have made a major breakthrough in this case and have also recovered the knife with which the actor was attacked from the spot.

Police investigation continues

Let us tell you that the police also have the part of the knife which was left in Saif’s body. The knife with which Saif was attacked broke into three pieces. Let us tell you that two pieces of the knife have been recovered, while it is being told that the third piece is still missing. Further police investigation is ongoing in this matter.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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