Singer Chinmayi Sripaada came down heavily on an X user on late Wednesday night after he put out a derogatory post about women on the microblogging platform, X. The singer called out the hypocrisy after the user penned a note saying, “Good luck finding a virgin girl to marry”.

It all began after the e-commerce platform Blinkit shared that a total of 1.2 lakh packets of condoms were ordered on the platform on New Year’s eve. Sharing the information, an X user wrote, “Blinkit CEO posted that 1.2 lakh packets of condoms were delivered last night. Just for last night and just for Blinkit. Other e-commerce sites and market sales would be as high as 10 million. Good luck finding a virgin girl to marry in this generation (sic).”

The tweet did not go down well with Chinmayi who then shared it on her Instagram handle and wrote, “Men have sex with women. Then men complain they want virgins (sic).”

She went on to say, “Men need to stop having premarital sex with women – ask your bros and male friends to NEVER have sex till marriage – unless they were buying condoms to have sex with goats, dogs and reptiles (sic).”

Other netizens also slammed the X user for his comment on women, however, he has not taken down the post yet.

Chinmayi is quite active on social media and she often makes headlines for her views on various social issues, mostly related to women.

She was subjected to immense hate and abuse on social media after she opened up on her ordeal during the #MeToo movement in 2018 and accused some prominent figures in the Tamil film industry of exploiting and sexually harassing women in showbiz.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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