The Shree Ayappa Seva Sangham of belapur to mark the 26 th consecration ceremony of the idol has planned out a week-long religious program. The celebration also marks the 19th year of the association performing the Padi Pooja – 18 steps prayer at the temple.

The program commences from January 18 with the Sreemad Bhagvatha Saptha yagam. The religious ceremonies associated with the week-long events are to be conducted by priests specially invited from Kerala. “Brahmasri Satheesan Thillankeri is a noted priest from Kerala and he will be coming specially to perform the rituals associated. There are lot of cultural activities also scheduled to be held,” said the President of the Association A Damodaran Pilla.

The prayers to the 18 steps leading to the Ayyappa temple is the main event of the association. “ Just like the 18 holy steps of Sabarimala, the Belapur ayyappa has a replica of the steps and this is the 19 th year of conducting a puja. This is a major event and will see huge participation by the community as the ceremonies are similar like it is done at Sabrimala,” said Pillai

For the holy steps puja, the chief guest is Maharashtra governor CP Radhakrishnan. This is the 39th year the Association is hosting Mandala Makaravilakku Mahotsavam. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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