A few years ago, it was announced that Shraddha Kapoor will be seen in a movie titled Nagin which will be produced by Nikhil Dwivedi. However, later there was no update about the movie and Shraddha got busy with Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar and Stree 2. Currently, Shraddha doesn’t have any film that is officially announced, but now, finally here’s an update about Nagin.
Today, producer Nikhil Dwivedi took to Instagram to share a picture of the script and wrote, “Makar Sankranti & Finally.” On the script, we can read, “Nagin – An Epic Tale Of Love & Sacrifice.”
When Nagin was announced a few years ago, fans of Shraddha had created a lot of fake pictures of the actress in the naagin avatar. Now, we are sure after an update that the script of the movie is ready, fans of the actress will be super excited to watch Shraddha as the naagin on the big screens.
Talking about the box office, post pandemic Shraddha is the only A-List actress who has a record of 100% success. Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar was a hit at the box office and Stree 2 became a blockbuster. So, of course, we can call her a bankable star.
Well, now we are waiting to know when Nagin will start rolling, and when it will get on the floors.
Apart from her movies, Shraddha is also in the news for her alleged relationship with Rahul Mody. The two have been spotted together multiple times, and in between there were reports that they have broken up. However, it looks like the two are back together as Shraddha has been hinting about their relationship on social media.