Mumbai: Shraddha Kapoor’s entry in Hrithik Roshan’s film ‘Krrish Four’ is almost certain. Fans are guessing this from the fact that recently a video of Shraddha Kapoor is going viral. Some time ago Shraddha Kapoor was asked what would be her next film after ‘Yeh Tu’. Although he did not give any clear answer. But, having said that, I have signed a film but I can’t announce it yet. Everyone will know about this film next January. It is noteworthy that as Rakesh Roshan has already announced that ‘Krrish 4’ will be announced next January. Due to this, fans are speculating that Shraddha Kapoor is working in ‘Krrish 4’.
Even before this, Shraddha Kapoor had made a comment about Hrithik Roshan’s character in the Krrish franchise and had mentioned magic and from Hrithik’s dialogue it is believed that Shraddha Kapoor will be the new heroine in ‘Krrish 4’.