Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor grabbed eyeballs after she shared a picture of her vada pav date late on Thursday night. The actress tagged her boyfriend Rahul Mody in the photo, and fans were surprised as reports had gone viral a few months ago that the two had broken up.
Shraddha took to her Instagram to share a picture holding of a couple of vada pavs inside a car on the streets of Mumbai and wrote, “May I always bully you to take for vada pao @modyrahulmody (sic).” The actress, who is a known foodie, has time and again said that she has a special place for street food in her heart.
Fans wondered if Shraddha and Rahul have reconciled after their breakup or if they never parted ways in the first place. “I am so happy to see them back together,” a fan wrote on social media, while another commented, “I wrote somewhere that they are each others’ lobsters. They will get back together soon.”
It is to be noted that during the promotions of Stree 2 in August, Shraddha had unfollowed Rahul on Instagram. Not just that but his family members also unfollowed the actress and that sparked rumours of an alleged breakup. However, she remained tightlipped about her relationship status.
In June, Shraddha had surprised her fans after she dropped a late night selfie with Rahul with a mushy caption. “Dil rakh le, neend toh vaapis de de yaar,” she wrote, along with their picture.
Not just that, but she had also been flaunting an ‘R’ pendant around her neck for a while, and she did not shy away from showing it off in her photos as well.
Shraddha and Rahul reportedly met on the sets of the 2023 film, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, and cupid struck the two. They were even seen attending the Jamnagar pre-wedding bash of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant together.