Shraddha Kapoor has never spoken to the media about her relationship with Rahul Mody. But, she has never hesitated from sharing about it with her fans. There have been reports of Shraddha dating Rahul, and the two were even spotted together while travelling to Jamnagar during the Ambani pre-wedding festivities. But, Shraddha gave a confirmation about her relationship last year, when she posted a picture with Rahul on Insta story and wrote, “Dil rakh le, neend to vaapis de de yaar (Keep my heart, but at least let me sleep peacefully).”

A few weeks ago, Shraddha had shared a picture on Insta story when she was a Vada Pav date with Rahul. Now, it looks like the actress had a night out with Rahul, and the two wore co-ords set that looked very similar. Shraddha just shared the picture with a heart and tagged Rahul. Check out the picture below…


When Shraddha had shared the picture from their Vada Pav date, she kind of proposed Rahul. She had posted, “May I always bully you to take me for vada pao.”


While Shraddha Kapoor’s personal life has been making it to the headlines for the past few weeks, the actress’ fans are eagerly waiting to know which will be her next film. Last year, she was seen in Stree 2 which became a blockbuster at the box office, and broke many records.

A few days ago, Nikhil Dwivedi, producer of Nagin had shared a picture of the movie’s script, and the actress’ fans were super excited that finally the film will go on the floors. Shraddha starrer Nagin was announced in 2020, but there has been no update on it. However, as the script is ready, now we can expect that the movie might go on the floors soon.

Well, we also wonder whether Shraddha and Rahul will be tying the knot soon as the actress has been doing a lot of social media PDA with her beau.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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