Garuda Purana provides answers to many mysteries related to death. In the Indian tradition, the Garuda Purana has much to say about the passage of life after death.

In Indian tradition, a death feast is organized on the twelfth and thirteenth day for the peace of the soul after death. Many people consider eating it a sin.

Last rites of passage is one of the 16 rites of passage in Hinduism. Only Brahmins are allowed to eat food on the twelfth day. Brahmins are asked to organize Jamana according to their capacity and make donations for the peace of the dead.

Garuda Purana mentions that after death the soul resides among its family members for thirteen days. After this his journey to another world begins. The deceased soul gets the virtue of providing food on the thirteenth day. This affects the journey of the departed soul after death.

According to Garuda Purana, Mrityubhoj is performed only for the poor and Brahmins. The needy can eat from it, but if a rich person eats then it is a crime to snatch the rights of the poor.

According to Mahabharata, eating death has adverse effects on a person. The power of a person who eats the food of death is destroyed.

Let us tell you that there are thousands of traditions in Indian traditions from marriage to death. These traditions have been going on for centuries and are followed even today.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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