A heart-wrenching incident has come to light in Bhilwara district of Rajasthan. There was a huge commotion outside the Government Mahatma Gandhi Hospital here due to the gate being locked in the ambulance that arrived with a female patient. Family members said the woman’s death was the result of negligence in the ambulance. The deceased’s son alleges that his mother lost her life due to the gate being locked and the ambulance not having an oxygen cylinder. This incident took place in Pratapnagar area at around 10:30 in the morning. Its video is also going viral on social media, in which the woman’s family members are seen trying to open the gate of the ambulance.

Oxygen in ambulance and negligence of driver became the cause of death

Family members say that the oxygen cylinder in the ambulance was faulty, due to which the woman could not be given oxygen support. Moreover, the driver lost his way and reached another village 3 kilometers away instead of the hospital. Due to this delay the woman’s condition became more serious.

Family members pulled out the woman by breaking the glass

When the ambulance reached the hospital and the gate was locked, the family members tried hard to open the gate. When the gate did not open, the woman was forced to break the glass and take her out. By that time it was too late. The doctor declared the woman dead.

The woman had attempted suicide

According to media reports, the deceased Sulekha Devi (43) had tried to commit suicide by hanging herself. Son Gaurav told that since it was Sunday, he was sleeping late. When the phone rang, he saw that his mother was hanging from the noose. After this, the family members brought him down from the noose and immediately called an ambulance and tried to take him to the hospital.

Oxygen cylinder malfunction and driver’s fault

Gaurav told that an attempt was made to give oxygen to the mother in the ambulance, but the cylinder was defective. Due to this, oxygen support could not be provided. The driver’s carelessness also became the cause of death, because instead of reaching the hospital, he lost his way and went to another village.

20 minutes delay took away life

There was a delay of about 20 minutes in reaching the hospital, due to which the woman’s condition worsened. After reaching the hospital, the family members had to break the glass as the gate of the ambulance was locked. But all this could not be done in time, and Sulekha Devi died.

This incident raises questions

This incident highlights negligence in health services and lapses in ambulance operations. A woman lost her life due to faulty oxygen cylinder, wayward driver, and technical glitches. The administration should investigate this matter and take strict action against careless employees.

What to do to prevent such incidents?

  1. Regular checking of ambulance services: Oxygen cylinders, equipment and other facilities in the ambulance should be checked from time to time.
  2. Proper driver training: It is necessary to provide training to ambulance drivers in route maps and emergency management.
  3. Testing of technical equipment: Ambulance doors and other equipment should be tested regularly.
  4. Emergency Response System: There should be a strong and fast emergency service system to avoid such incidents.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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