In a bizarre case reported from Mainpuri district in Uttar Pradesh, locals were shocked to see a baby goat born with unusual features. Unlike most goat calves, the recent baby born at a village under the Kishni police station limits, carried hairy appearance and a long tongue protruding towards one of the sides of the face. Also, its eyes were quite different from a regular goat. It somewhat looked human-like, leaving villagers stunned.

The visuals of the newly-born have surfaced online. It is reported the animal took birth at the house of a UP resident named Sher Singh. The incident is being addressed as a miracle. The owner of this young goat, Singh, was seen holding it in his hands and showing the unique features of the animal to the camera, when media approached him.

See photo

A pregnant goat owned by Singh gave birth to this young animal, which carried human-like features. It had a distinct face with poppy eyes, a long tongue, a chin, and body covered with considerable hair. It’s head was covered with white goat-like hair, while its facial features closely resembled a human.

Similar incident

While you might think this goat to be the first of its kind due to its stunning features, let us tell you there have been similar incidents in the past where goats has given births to human-like offspring. It goes unsaid that they exist, but are rare.

In 2022, such an incident was reported from the Munger region of Bihar where a goat miraculously gave birth to a baby which had human-like eyes. During the same year, another case on a similar nature surfaced from Madhya Pradesh’s Semal Khedi village. Here, too, a goat was born with unconventional features, which was described as “deformed baby with a human-like face” in news reports.

Notably, even earlier this year, a goat which such features took birth at another place in UP. The incident was reported from the village of Nuav near Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, where a goat came into life with a big eyes, nose, and floppy legs.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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