A tragic incident has occurred in Edmonton, Canada, where 20-year-old Harshandeep Singh, a Punjabi security guard and international student, was fatally shot while on duty. The CCTV footage, which has gone viral on social media platforms including X (formerly Twitter), reveals the shocking moment when Harshandeep was shot and killed while patrolling an apartment building.
A user on X, @Gagan4344, shared the tragic video and mentioned that the perpetrators, Evan Rain (30) and Judith Saulteaux (30), have been arrested and charged with first-degree murder in connection with Harshandeep’s death on December 6, 2024.
Watch the video here:
According to local media reports, Harshandeep was killed by the two individuals, who have been taken into custody by the Edmonton Police.
Harshandeep, a Sikh youth, had moved to Canada in pursuit of better opportunities, but his journey met a devastating end.
This tragic incident comes on the heels of another heart-wrenching loss that took place just days ago in Canada. The 22-year-old Gurasis Singh, an international student from Punjab, was stabbed to death in Sarnia.
The alleged perpetrator, 36-year-old Crossley Hunter from Sarnia, has been charged with second-degree murder in Gurasis’ case. Both incidents have left families shattered, with parents and loved ones in Punjab mourning the untimely loss of their children.
The back-to-back tragedies highlight the challenges faced by young immigrants, from adjusting to a new environment to navigating safety concerns. Reports claim, authorities in Edmonton are conducting a thorough investigation into Harshandeep’s murder.