Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): A 17-year-old girl was allegedly abducted from Gwalior, taken to Indore and raped multiple times. She was on her way to coaching centre when the accused kidnapped her. As soon as the family came to know about the disappearance, they filed a complaint at the police station.
Acting swiftly, officers of the Gola Ka Mandir police station formed a team and went on a lookout. While searching for the girl, at Gwalior station, they found her vehicle parked. Following the CCTV footage, they discovered that the girl was taken to Indore. A manhunt was launched, and the girl was successfully rescued.
According to information, the accused has been identified as Abhishek Singh, a resident of DD Nagar in the city. According to sources, about a week ago, the 17-year-old girl was on her way to her coaching class when she was confronted by Singh. He started threatening her and eventually abducted the teen. He took her to Indore, via Guna, Ashok Nagar, Dewas, and Ujjain, where he raped her multiple times.
Meanwhile, in Gwalior, the family filed a complaint at the Gola Ka Mandir police station in the city. Acting swiftly, the station in charge formed a team and launched a manhunt. While searching for the teen at Gwalior railway station, they found the teen’s vehicle parked. Following the CCTV footage, they discovered that the girl was taken on an intercity train to Indore.
Joint operation leads to arrest of the accused
Discovering the location of the girl, Gwalior police informed Indore police, who lodged a complaint promptly. A team of police officers was sent from Gwalior to Indore. After days of search operations, the location of the girl and the accused was discovered. A raid was conducted that led to the rescue of the victim and the arrest of Singh.
The girl has safely been brought back to her hometown, and based on her statements, a case has been registered against Singh. Police have initiated questioning and a thorough investigation into the matter.