Union Agriculture Minister and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan had to travel on a broken seat in Air India flight, which made him look very angry. He raised a strong question on Air India about the incident and said that it is directly deception to force passengers for poor facilities.

Shivraj Singh Chauhan wrote a long post on X (Twitter) and informed about this whole incident. they wrote:

“Today I was supposed to come to Delhi from Bhopal, where the inauguration of the Kisan Fair in Pusa, a meeting of the natural farming mission in Kurukshetra and to discuss with the honorable representatives of the farmer organizations in Chandigarh. I booked tickets in Air India flight number AI436 and I was allotted seat number 8C. ”

“When I sat on the seat, I found that she was broken and was sunken inside, which made the sitting hurting.”

“The staff already knew that the seat was bad!”

Shivraj Singh Chauhan further explained that when he asked the aircraft personnel why the bad seat was given to him, the answer that was received was more shocking.

Air India Staff told:
“The management was already informed that this seat is not good and should not sell its ticket. Not one such, but many more seats are bad! “

Passengers offer their seat, but Shivraj rejected

Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s co -passengers offered him to change his seat, but he politely turned it down.

He said:
“I urge the hockeys to change the seat from them, but why should I hurt another passenger for myself? So I decided to complete the journey on the broken seat. ”

“Air India is cheating passengers”

Shivraj Singh Chauhan expressed his displeasure over this negligence of Air India.

He said:
“My belief was that after the acquisition of the Tata Group, Air India’s services would have improved, but this was my confusion. I worry more than the trouble in seating that despite taking all the money from the passengers, they are forced to sit on a bad and uncomfortable seats. ”

He asked Air India management:
“Isn’t this cheating on passengers? Will Air India management take any concrete steps, or will take advantage of the compulsion of the passengers? “

Will Air India improve?

The incident is again raising serious questions on Air India’s services. Now it has to be seen whether the airline management will take any action on it or the passengers will be harassed in this way?

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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