Actor Tiku Talsania, known for his comic roles in films, was rushed to the hospital on Friday after attending Rashami Desai’s Gujarati film Mom Tane Nai Samjay in Mumbai, following a brain stroke. Now, Tiku’s daughter, actress Shikha Talsania, shared an update on her father’s health and expressed gratitude to his fans for their support.
Taking to her Instagram story, Shikha wrote, “Thank for all your you prayers and concern. Its been an emotional time for all of us but we are happy to share that dad is doing much better now and is recuperating well. We are grateful to the Doctors and Staff at Kokilaben Ambani hospital for everything that they have done and to his fans for all the love thats come our way in abundance.”
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Earlier, reports had suggested that Tiku had suffered a heart attack. However, his wife denied these claims, clarifying that it was, in fact, a brain stroke. The 70-year-old actor’s wife, Deepti Talsania, spoke to NDTV and said, “He suffered a brain stroke, not a heart attack. He had gone to attend a film screening and started feeling unwell around 8 pm. He was immediately admitted to the hospital.”
Tiku is best known for his roles in popular films such as Cirkus, Hungama, Special 26, Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobaara!, Dhamaal, Dhol, Phir Hera Pheri, Rishtey, and Devdas, among others.Shikha
Meanwhile, Tiku’s daughter Shikha, also an actress, has been part of films like Satyaprem Ki Katha, Veere Di Wedding, Coolie No 1, Wake Up Sid, Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji, and Potluck, among others.